Geography studies the earth in relation to mankind. Man is mostly shaped by the environment in which he lives and Geography studies the relation between the earth and man. Geography promotes interdisciplinary thinking. Students who understand and apply geographic concepts enhance their critical thinking skills, and make connections more easily in all subject areas.

Geography is the study of environment of man, physical and social, particularly with relation to human activities.  Geography has been derived from the words, “Geo” and “graphy” “Geo” means earth and “graphy” means study or description.

Geography is related to other social sciences and we can study them better with a background of Geography. Geography is related to economic progress. Geographical factors influence agriculture, industry, trade, commerce and other aspects of economic development.

Knowledge of Geography is essential for business, trade, commerce, agriculture, industry, navigation, military operation, and spacecraft and even for balancing and administration.

Geography education should therefore be included at all grade levels as it helps to explain historical events, cultural development, scientific and political processes, - social organization and spatial relationships.

Above all, geographic study provides the background for careers in various fields.

The Aim

The Grade 7 Geography Curriculum is intended to provide basic knowledge and skills as a foundation for further study in the upper secondary programme. It will also ensure that students, who will not study Geography beyond Grade 9, obtain information essential to life and help them to understand their place in the world.